Blogging Buddy T.P.V. noted on his recent blog post how the Frum magazine and newspaper publishers needn't fear the electronic revolution, as the primary time for reading this material is on Shabbos.
It is certainly with great ingenuity that G-d created the world with Shabbos. In the not so distant future, physical books will be a thing of the past. Everything will be digital. But, as I've pointed out in the past, this will create a 1984-like existence, where governments and others will be able to rewrite history to favor whatever ideology they currently espouse.
Having physical print, will ensure that no one will tamper with our sacred texts. All will be black and white, for all to see.
This recalls to mind the famous dictum: More than the Jews keep Shabbos, Shabbos keeps the Jews.
Halachic Status of Hydroponic Maror
by R. Daniel Mann Question: I know that the beracha for hydroponically
grown vegetables, such as the insect-free romaine lettuce used for Pesach,
is Shehak...
2 hours ago