Books Received
Likutei Yam – Sanhedrin Sugyos by Likutei Yam Institute Becoming Godly:
Integrating Torah and Psychology to Guide Us in Emulating Hashem by R.
Yosef Sokol ...
this is my country (video)
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Hishtadlus and Parshas HaMon
We are taught that although Hashem runs the world we have to do our
Hishtadlus (our own efforts). What that is in any situation differs for
each person a...
Each year, I share some brief thought before Rosh Hashanah with a large
list of personal contacts, both Jewish and non-Jewish. Some recipients have
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Redux: adjective – resurgence; refers to being brought back, restored, or
revived; something familiar presented in a new way. Not to see what no one
else h...
Here's a piece in Hamelitz about a telegram from Mrs. Netziv, Rabbanit
Batya Mirel (Epstein) Berlin, asking people to say tehillim for her
husband, who was...
Lag Baomer and Chinuch -ל”ג בעומר ומצות חינוך
We recently read פרשת אמור אל הכהנים, where we are taught the important
lesson, להזהיר גדולים על הקטנים, that not only gedolim/adults are obligated
in the ...
Dvar Torah - Titzave - Rabbi Yitzchok Wolpin
This week we are privileged to read the portion of Titzave. The portion
begins with the mitzvah of preparing proper olive oil in order to kindle
the Menor...
Tikun Olam vs. Tikun Hameuvas
Many bloggers ostensibly go into blogging to participate in Tikun Olam.
They see suffering and write to diminish it, they observe injustice and
post t...
Why Do Orthodox Women Need Female Yoatzot?
Let's take a quick survey of the reasons given by Orthodox feminists for
the need to train female Yoatzot to answer questions specifically in the
realm of ...
TTT :: Sois Osis • Dovid Gabay
So vanilla as to not even be terrible. It's just not...anything. Lyrics are
indiscernible, harmonies are haphazard, and yet, this tune almost escaped
Signing Off
When I first started blogging, it was before the Asifa. Post-asifa, there
arose the question whether I could (and should) continue. Consulting my
mentor, w...
This Blog Has Moved
After a great get-together last night, we are ready to move the blog to a
new format that has more functionality and is more esthetically pleasing.
Please ...
Charles Schultz said that “Happiness is a Warm Puppy”. I say that Euphoria is when an underdog becomes the top dog.
Why is it that the underdog is so beloved? David vs. Goliath, Joe Namath vs. the NFL, 1948 fledgling Israel vs. the Arab World?
I think the answer lies in one word: Justice. Nobody likes a bully. At one time, or another, everyone has felt some sort of injustice perpetrated on them where they felt vulnerable and defenseless.
When the tide is turned, and the victim snatches victory from the hand of defeat, we can rejoice in knowing that justice has prevailed. Eight million viewers can't be wrong.
Please note: This is not an indictment against United Airlines, as this event may have transpired with any large corporation. Likewise, I am sure that many people have had very pleasant experiences with this carrier. Myself included.
Thanks for sharing.