Monday, May 12, 2014

Loose Lips Lecha-dodi Lament

One of my personal pleasures of Shabbos, my special Oneg, is Kabbolos Shabbos. I am careful to Daven in a Shul that sings Lecha Dodi to inspiring tunes, that soar through the spires to the heavens.

Unfortunately, now that the summer months are upon us, I have been relocated to other Shuls, as my own Shul Davens early to accommodate families with young children.

It is very disturbing to me, when I am on the cusp of welcoming the Shabbos bride, on the verge of some Spiritual Gas, and I am basking in the serenity of the onset of Shabbos, some table neighbors decide that they must do a "week in review" with their friends.

This talking bothers me, as I try to connect with the Almighty through the medium of congregational song, yet invariably some nincompoop ruins it.

Please allow me the Sounds of Silence!


  1. Daven at your nearest chasidish shtible. That will definitely give you a charge.

  2. Yet, but will it be a talk-free zone?

  3. take the amud and you won't hear them

    1. Not always practical. Besides, it's nice after a long hard week of blogging to sit back and have others perform. Shabbos is my day off.

  4. PS This post is NOT LH free loit mein naarishen seichel

    1. Is it LH to imply that there exists talking in some Shuls? If someone reads this and keeps quiet - there will be much Toeles.
