An Example of Three “Mahadurot” of Rashi
Rashi on Shemot 28:6 and 40:38 “אִם בָּאתִי לְפָרֵשׁ” or “לְפִי
שֶפֵרַשְתִי” An Example of Three “Mahadurot” of Rashi Eli Genauer Shemot
40:38 Shemot 28:6 ...
Detailed Constuction Produces a Sanctified Mishkan
by R. Gidon Rothstein Parshat Pekudei When the anan, the Cloud of Glory,
rests on the Mishkan, sign or evidence of God’s continuing Presence, the
verse re...
Impress Your Shver This Pesach
*Pesach Sale . Now available for download at the kindle store.*
*Only .99 cents!! reg price $4.99*
Best divrei Torah for your Pesach Seder
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Shmuly Schneider - All The Hits 2
Looking for that perfect Playlist? Look no more. All The Hits 2 is here to
keep you dancing all the time CREDITS Arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry
Pekudei – One Thing Leads to Another
It’s intriguing that, just as Chazal place importance on being masmich
geulah litfillah – placing a reference to redemption immediately before
prayer, i....
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Redux: adjective – resurgence; refers to being brought back, restored, or
revived; something familiar presented in a new way. Not to see what no one
else h...
Here's a piece in Hamelitz about a telegram from Mrs. Netziv, Rabbanit
Batya Mirel (Epstein) Berlin, asking people to say tehillim for her
husband, who was...
Lag Baomer and Chinuch -ל”ג בעומר ומצות חינוך
We recently read פרשת אמור אל הכהנים, where we are taught the important
lesson, להזהיר גדולים על הקטנים, that not only gedolim/adults are obligated
in the ...
Dvar Torah - Titzave - Rabbi Yitzchok Wolpin
This week we are privileged to read the portion of Titzave. The portion
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Tikun Olam vs. Tikun Hameuvas
Many bloggers ostensibly go into blogging to participate in Tikun Olam.
They see suffering and write to diminish it, they observe injustice and
post t...
Why Do Orthodox Women Need Female Yoatzot?
Let's take a quick survey of the reasons given by Orthodox feminists for
the need to train female Yoatzot to answer questions specifically in the
realm of ...
TTT :: Sois Osis • Dovid Gabay
So vanilla as to not even be terrible. It's just not...anything. Lyrics are
indiscernible, harmonies are haphazard, and yet, this tune almost escaped
Signing Off
When I first started blogging, it was before the Asifa. Post-asifa, there
arose the question whether I could (and should) continue. Consulting my
mentor, w...
This Blog Has Moved
After a great get-together last night, we are ready to move the blog to a
new format that has more functionality and is more esthetically pleasing.
Please ...
Coma patient wakes up, speaks after nearly being taken off life support following crash...
What puzzles me when I read stories like this is the double standard of many. On one hand, they are reluctant to support the Death Penalty, for the minute chance that they might kill an innocent person, yet they are quick to remove life support, even though there is a small percentage whom recover.
Rabbi Avrum Schorr made the following points at the Agudah convention:
1. The Tzibbur should be coming to the Rabbonim to ask how to stem the tide of losing Neshomos due to the new smart-phone/internet technologies.
2. A child said he would break an i-phone, being that his father was addicted to it and no longer had time for his children.
3. TXTing has destroyed Shabbos for many who become addicted to it.
4. People answer that they've been on the internet for years and have not seen any inappropriate content (ed. I find this hard to believe). Yet their children see them spending all day on the internet and the message they take away is how great the internet is. They don't differentiate between good and bad sites.
5. The anti-technology fight is war. One can't let up from fighting this war. For those who say it can't be won...look at Eretz Yisroel where Yeshiva people would be embarrassed to have a non-approved cellphone.
5b. Wonders how Mispallelim are not embarrassed to hand their i-phone to their Rav; when one button accesses Facebook, another button, Twitter.
6. Wants to create internet cafes in our neighborhoods, open 24x6 where filtered access will be available to all, and would remove the need to have internet in the homes.
7. Claims that i-phones are really for pleasure, not business.
8. Asked someone why they need i-phone, man responded that he can use the compass feature to show Mizrach...
9. Wondered aloud how one can be Mechanech a Bochur who has 150 movies on his i-phone.
10. Bemoaned the LH that is so prevalent in TXTing.
11. Related Moshol from Chofetz Chayim that a rich landowner once told his workers to only use filtered water in the day they had a fire and the house burned down because they filtered it before they would throw in on the fire...said that everyone nowadays is worthy of fighting the technology war...even dirty water can help put out this fire.
Personally, I think the Rav has made some very important observations, yet I wonder if it can really work here in the USA. Furthermore, I wonder if people would be willing to give up the convenience of having the internet in their homes. Imagine telling women that they can use washing machines, but must only do so at the laundromat. I realize that the 2 cases are not exactly similar, just food for thought.
On the other hand, if this is really war, then perhaps this is the price we must pay for maintaining the purity and Kedusha of our people.