However, (in the pre CNN era) there were not that many newsworthy events to support 24x7 analysis, and television conglomerates quickly realized that they would need to “create” news. Not necessarily would it be newsworthy, but skits, comedies and other routines were created for the sole purpose of selling advertising .
This continues to our time where the bulk of television broadcasting is created for the sole purpose to sell advertising time.
Which brings us to the Super Bowl. In an ironic twist of fate, this most Super of all the Bowl games is watched by many people who have no interest in sports whatsoever. Companies vie for the honor to spend several million dollars on advertisements, and it is the ingenuity, cleverness and not wanting to miss the latest and greatest commercials that drive many to watch the contest.
Over one hundred million people watched the game last year. Yet my faith in humanity is restored as I noted that over one billion people watched the Chilean mine rescue. As we move closer and closer to the era when everyone will wear a Dick Tracy screen on their wrist, as we move closer and closer to Day of all Days, as we move closer and closer to most super event of all time, let us all pause to realize what has true meaning in life and what is merely a pastime.