Friday, June 26, 2015

Teen Tricks Tefillin Tie-r

A Tumult has been created by the recent tying of Tefillin by a Lubavitch Shaliach on a girl.

This reminds me of a story years ago when a Lubavitcher Shaliach met a nice young Frum man in a Hillel House in the midwest. He asked him if he wants to put on Tefillin to which the polite young man replied sure.

When the Shaliach asked him if he needs help with the Brochos, he replied - Not necessary.

The student proceeded to put on the Tefillin with familiarity. The surprised Chabad representative asked him "When was the last time you put on Tefillin?

To which he got the response - This morning!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

BDE: Blogging Buddy Bray Bereaved

We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of one of the best bloggers to ever roam the Jblogosphere.

With the advent of Facebook and Twitter, pundits have long predicted the demise of blogging. Yet the era of Rishonim had yet to be lamented until the untimely halting of one of it's finest. Sadly, from this day and onward marks the time of the Acharonim.

Blogging Buddy Bray had championed the cause of Torah, fighting the Sitra Achra for close to a decade. His quick wit, charming demeanor and golden pen have laid waste to the claim that an American born and bred Yeshiva-man can't write.

His legacy includes mourning the Holocaust, as a G2er. His Havdalah consciousness has enabled his readers to navigate the differences between right and wrong, good and evil, addle-minded and level-headedness. His Yiddishisms, word-play and complete command of several languages have made him a must read for all the past 6 years.

In blog years, that is a lifetime.

The saddest part is that he has chosen to wipe away years of toil. His erudite posts will now be lost forever. I applaud his action as it is based on Teshuva, yet I mourn it's result nonetheless.

As he leaves this world of cyber-Sheker, I wish him well in the Olam HaEmes.

May his blog be resurrected soon, and may Hashem wipe away all his nemeses.

Friday, June 5, 2015